The document is based on the experience of designing, implementing and evaluating the first edition of the mentoring programme “REBECA-Researchers Beyond Academia”.
On March the 2nd, the association of Spanish Scientists in Denmark (CED / SFD), which brings together almost 200 Spanish scientists in Denmark, a leading country in technology and innovation, organized the third edition of the "Breaking Down Borders in Research".
The programme REBECA is aimed at young researchers wanting to explore professional options beyond academia. REBECA will put them in contact with highly skilled professionals that will help them reflect about their competences, skills and career options.
The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) collaborated in the development of the program together with the Association of Spanish Scientists in the Netherlands (CENL), the Iberia Club of the European Patent Office, the Czech Center and the Embassy of The Hague Austria.
The objective of this collection is to provide researchers with information on the different opportunities available in Spain and thus contribute to an open and transparent research area.
The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) travelled to London, for the fourth year in a row, to promote the Spanish R & D system and inform about opportunities to develop a research career in Spain.
The event brought together more than 60 participants who exchange information about their experience in the programme and discussed the benefits of such resources for the professional development of research staff.
FECYT participated in the conference "Opportunities for researchers in Spain" organized in collaboration by the London delegations of the Association of Spanish Reserachers in the United Kingdom and ACCIÓ, the Agency for Competitiveness of the Company of the Generalitat of Catalonia.
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Science museums
The National Museum of Science and Technology (MUNCYT) is a state-owned museum under the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and is managed by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT).