Pitec 2010: La financiación de la innovación de las empresas

An annual report that analyses the results of the Technological Innovation Panel (PITEC), a database of panel types that allows monitoring of techn

Indicadores del Sistema Español de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación 2013

This publication shows the evolution of the most significant variables during the 2000-2011 period, including both the comparison in the internatio


This publication includes the main aspects that are of interest to researchers who come, for the first time, to our country due to scientific missi


FECYT has coordinated this practical guide that defines the main aspects of the national open access policy and specifies what new roles will have

Informe Pitec 2012

This report studies the sources of funding of activities for innovation and it analyses internal R&D+I staff and the resources intended for tra



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