Libro Blanco de las Unidades de Cultura Científica y de la Innovación, UCC+i

Currently, around eighty Scientific Culture and Innovation Units (UCC+i) have obtained aid from FECYT since 2007, although, there are other units t

Anuario SINC. La Ciencia es Noticia, 2011

For another year, the SINC Agency has published a new edition of its Yearbook, which includes the most important scientific news, interviews and re

Catálogo de la 9ª edición de Fotciencia

It includes a selection of photographs that took part in the 9th Edition of the National Science Photographic Contest FOTCIENCIA.

Los estudiantes y la ciencia. Encuesta a jóvenes iberoamericanos

This publication contains the results of a regional survey carried out in the framework of the “Perception of young people about science and the sc

Agenda Ciudadana de Ciencia e Innovación

To mark the Spanish Presidency of the European Union during the first six months of 2010, and with the support of the Ministry of Science and Innov



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