This publication includes the exchange of scientific, technological and business ideas that were presented at the second edition of the Spanish Thi


The objective of this guide is to make it easier for foreign researchers who go to Spain for work, scholarships, exchanges, PhDs, temporary contrac


This report provides a clear summary of the current situation of research on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) in agrifood and their health and


Unlike that which occurs in other areas of knowledge, the Humanities lack quantitative criteria that are adjusted to the reality of research, or, a


Bibliometric indicators are accepted by the international scientific community as useful elements for the analysis of the state of science and tech


Detailed analysis of the situation of the art, science and technology system in Spain, as well as a comprehensive repertoire of recommendations tha


This includes the debates resulting from the Seminar held in 2003: “Spain 2015: Societal Foresight and Scientific and Technological Research” in wh


This peer review of the policies and tools for research, development and innovation is the second review of this kind carried out by the Working Gr


Esta publicación recoge, de un modo sintético, el estado de situación del sistema científico tecnológico nacional, así como su evolución.


This report includes and combines both bibliometric (production and impact) and socioeconomic indicators with the aim of providing a sufficiently c



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