The scheme “Ambassadors for Science” began in May 2016 in the United Kingdom with nine couples of scientists and diplomats, who shared a few days together to learn about their different professional worlds, and to share their experiences in a last session in October 2016. 

The scheme “Ambassadors for Science” began in May 2016 in the United Kingdom with nine couples of scientists and diplomats, who shared a few days together to learn about their different professional worlds, and to share their experiences in a last session in October 2016. 

El pasado 24 de febrero, se celebró una nueva sesión de “Ciencia en el aula” en el Instituto Español Vicente Cañada Blanch de Londres. Los estudiantes de 1º y 2º de Bachillerato recibieron a Fernando González Zalba, investigador del Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory,con el que debatieronsobre los “Cinco grandes retos científicos para futuros investigadores”. 

The scheme “Ambassadors for Science” began in May 2016 in the United Kingdom with nine couples of scientists and diplomats. One of the groups was composed by the Attaché for Transportation and Infrastructure Esteban Pacha and the Attaché for Maritime Affairs Miguel Núñez.

En mayo de 2016, el programa “Embajadores para la ciencia” se puso en marcha en el Reino Unido con nueve parejas de científicos y diplomáticos. Una de estas parejas fue la formada por el ministro consejero de la Embajada de España en el Reino Unido Juan López-Herrera y la catedrática de Química de King’s College London y de la Universidad de Oxford Carmen Domene. 

Durante 2016, el programa “Embajadores para la ciencia” reunió a nueve parejas de científicos y diplomáticos a lo largo de unos días para que ambos colectivos se acercasen a la realidad de sus respectivos mundos profesionales: la ciencia y la diplomacia.

In 2014, the European Commission (EC) set up the “Research, Innovation, and Science Policy Experts" (RISE) high level group (HLG). The group gives direct strategic support to the European Commissioner for research, innovation, and science, Carlos Moedas, and to the European Commission.

The specialized journal in science diplomacy, Science & Diplomacy, published on 14th February an article entitled “Spanish Science Diplomacy: A Global and Collaborative Bottom-Up Approach”, which was written by experts from the International Projects Unit of FECYT.

The Spanish State Research Agency (AEI) wishes to increase participation among researchers affiliated with foreign R&D institutions in the Agency’s Bank of Collaborating Experts run by the Coordination and Evaluation Subdivision (SCE), with the aim of enriching the Spanish evaluation system thanks to the various international perspectives and experiences that could be brought by these researchers, who undertake their work under the premises of other R&D&I systems.

Last 24 January, a new session of “Science in the Classroom” was held in the Spanish School Vicente Cañada Blanch in London. In this occasion, the speaker was Ana Cabrera Lafuente, PhD in History of Medieval Arts, curator in the National Museum of Decorative Arts of Madrid, and Marie Skłodowska-Curie research fellow in the Victoria and Albert Museum of London.


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