Catalogue of the 8th Edition of FOTCIENCIA

This catalogue includes a selection of the participating photographs from the 8th Edition of the National Science Photography Contest FO

Meta Análisis: Comunicación Científica y Periodismo Científico

To mark the Media For Science Forum organised by FECYT in 2010, the director of the Observatory of Scientific Communication (UPF), Vladimir de Semi

Unidad Didáctica Biodiversidad. El mosaico de la vida

For another year, FECYT is publishing a Teaching Unit aimed at Secondary Education teachers, with the aim of supporting their role.

SINC Yearbook. Science is News 2010

FECYT founded the scientific news agency SINC on 7 February 2008.

Los estudiantes y la ciencia. Encuesta a jóvenes iberoamericanos

This publication contains the results of a regional survey carried out in the framework of the “Perception of young people about science and the sc



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