Through a selection of images, this publication summarises some of the treasures that the National Museum of Science and Technology exhibits and ke

Unidad didactica matematicas

In the framework of the Year of Mathematics of Planet Earth (MPE2013), sponsored by UNESCO and hundreds of institutions from all over the world, FE

Anuario SINC. La ciencia es noticia 2012

To mark the fifth anniversary of the SINC Agency, a special edition of the Yearbook corresponding to 2012 was created, which includes a selection o


On 28 November 2012 the Kohn Centre of the Royal Society, London received the conference Networking Nations: Scientific Opportunities in the UK and

La Cadena de la Innovación. Selección de los mejores proyectos del certamen 2012-2013

Description of the ten best projects presented to “The Innovation Chain 2012-2013” competition selected by the panel.



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