FECYT participates in the ERA Career Day of the University of Zaragoza

The University of Zaragoza, as partner of the European project EUESCADA, organizes on the 23rd and 24th of November, the session “ERA Career day: Opportunities for researchers in the XXI century”. Along these two days, information about different career options for researchers, their geographical and inter-sectoral mobility opportunities, and a reflection on the competencies and skills that industry values most from researchers will be offered to the audience. The main goals of this event are to foster the employability of researchers and to improve their own career planning.
FECYT, also partner in the project, will present the EURAXESS initiative that supports researchers in their professional careers.
Those of you interested in the event and not registered can follow us in the hastag: #ERAcareerday
More information about the event (in Spanish) here.
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