Recursos Científicos

The Web Of Science (WOS) is a Web technology-based platform that includes the references of the main scientific publications of any discipline of knowledge (scientific and technological, humanistic and sociological) since 1945, essential for supporting research and for recognising the efforts and advances made by the scientific and technological community.
The new FECYT licence for using the WOS covers the 2014-2017 period and allows access to the databases most used by the Spanish research and scientific community:
- 1900 – Present Web of Science
- 1900 – Present Science Citation Index Expanded
- 1956 – Present Social Sciences Citation Index
- 1975 – Present Arts & Humanities Citation Index
- 1990 – Present ISI Proceedings-Science & Technology (ISTP)
- 1990 – Present ISI Proceedings-Social Sciences & Humanities Edition (ISSHP)
- 1997 – Present Journal Citations Reports-Science Edition (JCR-S)
- 1997 – Present Journal Citations Reports-Social Sciences Edition (JCR-SS)
- 1999 – Present Essential Science Indicator
- 1950- Present MEDLINE
- 1997- Present Scielo Citation Index
In addition, it is possible to access cancelled products possessed by FECYT, with data up to December 2009, through the same display interface as that provided for access to Databases with subscription. The cancelled products are as follows:
- 1980- 2009 Derwent Innovation Index
- 1998- 2009 Current Content Connect
- 1986- 2009 Current Chemical Reactions
- 1993- 2009 Index Chemicus